Improve performance Financial SSC

Meet service level agreements on financial processes like e.g. AR and AP and eliminate backlog.

Position: program manager / interim manager
Duration: 6 months
Company: UK based operating companies of electrical wholesale multinational with operations in Europe, USA and APAC. UK operations revenue is exceeding EUR 1B, with 20,000+ purchase invoices and 100,000+ sales invoices/week.
10 full time core project team members plus 30 ad-hoc & part-time staff


Financial shared services centres (SSC) are the last segment of the 'transactional pipeline': all incorrect and incomplete transactions will in the end show up in the SSC, causing problems that in most cases can not be resolved by SSC staff. It is therefore essential that owners of transactional data ensure the correctness and completeness of data up front at the stage of entering and/or processing these data sets. Only by the creation of solid and continuous end-to-end business processes efficient transaction processing -and as a result an effective ssc performance- can be guaranteed. As an example: if during order intake no reference is made to the correct supplier information like e.g. article numbers and pricing agreements, the SSC staff will not be able to pay the corresponding supplier invoices, leading to arguments, non-deliverance and other contraproductive admin misery.

V I S MOCS has built up large experience with fixing end-to-end business processes, implementing clear roles & responsibilities, service levels and input/output control, improving data structure & quality and eliminating backlogs.

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