Outsourcing non-core ICT & transaction processing

Outsourcing of basic ICT capabilities and customer invoice & statement printing

Position: global program manager
Duration: 9 months
Company: Europe / UK based operating companies of multinational with operations in Europe, USA and APAC. European operations revenue is exceeding EUR 4B.
10 full time core project team members plus 30 ad-hoc & part-time staff


Before involvement of mentioned project manager, the outsourcing of ICT capabilities (like e.g. data centre, WAN/LAN and helpdesk) and customer invoice & statement printing was purely cost driven: focus on minimizing cost of outsourcing, resulting in poor value-for-money, indefinite service level agreements and poor commitment of the vendor. By reconfirmation of business requirements and implementing unambiguous, measurable service level agreements with the vendor the focus shifted from cost to value-for-money and the speed and quality of service levels delivered increased dramatically, while total cost of ownership strongly reduced.

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