Redesign and refocus of the world-wide Marketing & Sales organization, its processes and its systems

Integration of separate entities into one organisation and improvement of decisiveness and responsiveness. Preparation for an ERP implementation.

Position: Program manager
Duration: 2 years
Company: Marketing & Sales departments of a chemical process industry multinational with world-wide revenue of USD 3B.
Project team with 10 full time core members plus 30 ad-hoc & part-time staff


As part of the 'Globalisation' exercise various independent M&S departments were integrated into one worldwide organisation, with one set of clearly documented procedures, roles & responsibilities, resulting in more consistent & efficient operations and improved decisiveness & responsiveness. Agreements were discussed and implemented on issues like: global business processes, global roles & responsibilities, overall market positioning of products, global sales strategy and customer priority ranking, global financial procedures like e.g. credit control, and an integrated quality control & logistics strategy. Alignment was made with a separate exercise on global harmonisation of product ranges.

After restructuring and refocusing of the M&S organisation an SAP R/3 based ERP system was implemented for all transactional processes, to further support the newly introduced global M&S approach, and to further benefit from streamlined business processes and backoffice operations. For further details on this see accomplishments on ERP.

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